Workshop on "Flash Indicators"

The International Institute of Forecasters will be sponsoring the 7th International Workshop – Flash Indicators. The workshop will take place in Verbier, Switzerland from the 21-22 January 2011. Flashing indicators refers to the short-term estimation, namely nowcasting, of relevant informatio… n for policymakers, like GDP. Flashing indicators are a compromise between timeliness, higher frequency and accuracy, and they allow a snapshot of the ongoing economic situation. This is a white workshop! What is a white workshop? When in Switzerland, it means skiing! During the period between the two workshop sessions (morning and evening) on Friday and Saturday, you will have the opportunity to ski at the fabulous resort of Verbier. Registration for the workshop will begin on 1 September 2010. To learn more about the workshop and to register, please visit ( Or, if you would like to learn more about the IIF workshops, see here ( IIF members will receive a special discounted registration rate of 170Sfrs. To receive this special rate, you will need your Member ID. During the registration, you will be prompted to enter your ID number.