VP L’Oreal on Demand Planning

The Vice President of Demand Planning for L'Oreal North America will give a Keynote Address at IBF's Supply Chain Forecasting & Planning Conference 2011.


Michael L. Wachtel's responsibilities include harmonizing best practices, developing and maintaining the best people, leveraging technology and articulating the vision of the function. He has experience in implementing both retail and wholesale planning systems, establishing the Demand/Business Planning function in organizations and facilitating best practices in Demand Planning. Michael holds a BA. with a dual major in Economics and Political Science from the State University of New York at Oswego.

Michael will be sharing the lessons he has learned from 20 years of Demand Planning experience with attendees at IBF's Supply Chain Forecasting & Planning Conference in Orlando Florida on February 27, 28 & March 1, 2011.

Amogst the companies presenting are Avantor Performance Materials, BASF Corporation, Continental Tire Evergreen Packaging, Inc., Franklin Electric Company Gartner, Inc., HAVI Global Solutions Heinz North America, Ingersoll Rand Industrial Technologies – Americas Institute for Trend Research (ITR), Jockey International, Inc. Johnsonville Sausage, LOUD Technologies Inc., Morrisons Supermarkets, PLC Novartis Consumer Health Canada, PepsiCo, Rolls-Royce
TBM Consulting and Wipro.

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