Ventana Research Finds Lack of Sales Forecasting Detrimental to Success

Ventana Research’s new benchmark research, “Sales Forecasting and Demand Planning: Requirements for Financial and Operational Performance” confirms that most businesses today are immature in their use of key processes and technology that manage performance.

The research found that cutting-edge organizations are just beginning to invest in technology that can help balance the sales forecast and plans to satisfy demand to ensure that organizations can reach their expected business outcomes. 

"The re-invigoration of the need for sales forecasting and demand planning processes and technology is directly related to gaining improvements to the operational and financial performance of organizations.", said Robert D. Kugel CFA, Ventana Research Senior Vice President of Research. "The research found that many organizations have yet to be able to forecast at the product level to build accurate forecasts and demand plans that can increase the confidence in the information used for business planning."

Ventana Research will expand on the key findings of this benchmark research, including what is required to improve the maturity of sales forecasting and demand planning on a live interactive webinar, "Establishing the Priority for Sales Forecasting and Demand Planning for Improving Financial and Operational Performance," on Thursday, May 29th at 10:00am Pacific time.

The webinar will present the research findings and help you to understand how organizations are advancing the use of sales forecasting and demand planning processes and technology by enabling people to have accurate information for critical decisions. It will also provide some valuable insight to the barriers and impediments facing organizations and what can be done to improve and apply best practices. Here are some key questions that will be addressed in the research:

  • What helps organizations improve maturity of their sales forecasting and demand planning processes.
  • Where organizations should invest to advance their accuracy and context of their sales forecasts.
  • Where should you focus your processes and data for optimal results.
  • How can finance play a role in improving your sales forecasts and demand plans.
  • Learn about best practices that can positively impact and improve business performance.

The research, sponsored by technology providers John Galt (, Right90 ( Steelwedge ( and TrueDemand ( is based on an analysis of 207 qualified respondents from all major industries. The survey was conducted with the assistance of media partners Intelligent Enterprise (, Manufacturing Business Technology ( and Technology Evaluation Centers (

Read more on the webinar…