Forecast Pro and Timberlake will sponsor meetings in Boston, February 8-10 and in Washington D. C., March 18-19 respectively. Forecast Pro (Business Forecast Systems) will sponsor for experienced and unexperienced users various workshops including how…
Forecast Pro and Timberlake will sponsor meetings in Boston, February 8-10 and in Washington D. C., March 18-19 respectively. Forecast Pro (Business Forecast Systems) will sponsor for experienced and unexperienced users various workshops including how to import data, navigate Forecast Pro effectively, create forecasts, build forecast models, detect amd correct outliers, incorporate promtions, create reports, and integrate forecast with other systems. To registrar, e-mail ( Timberlake's conference will focus on their product, OxMetrics, and will provide a forum for the exchange of research results and practical experiences within the fields of financial and empirical econometrics and forecasting. Papers are invited. Keynotes speakers of interest to forecasters include Prof. Sir David Hendry, Dr. Jurgen Doornik, and Prof. Siem Jan Koopman. Online registration is available at: