TradeVibes Startup Exchange is the first predictive market around private companies that leverages the wisdom of the crowds to determine the valuation of these companies. The price of each company on the Startup Exchange reflects that community's belief about the valuation of the company.
Anyone can participate in the Startup Exchange, a fantasy predictive market. Participants are given T$100,000 in play money when they begin. Depending on whether they believe the companies to be over-valued or under-valued, they can buy the stock or short-sell the stock.
There are currently 50 startup companies on the Startup Exchange, including well known companies like LinkedIn, Digg, and Yelp. There are plans for regular IPOs, where new startups are added to the exchange. Depending on the collective action of the community, the stock price of companies in the exchange will fluctuate to reflect the changes in the perceived valuation as determined by the TradeVibes community.
"We are very excited about launching the Startup Exchange in public Alpha," said David Li, CEO and Co-Founder of TradeVibes. "We believe the wisdom of the crowds is a great way to solve many types of problems, including the uncertainty around how to value private companies."
For those interested in trying their luck as a startup investor, or just want to see the community driven valuation in action, you can visit the TradeVibes Startup Exchange here: