Scientific Technologies Corporation has announced the release of a free and open source immunization forecasting web service for public health entities in the United States.
Open Immucast is the open source version of STC’s commercial Stand Alone Forecasting algorithm that has been integrated with production immunization registries since 1999. Open ImmuCast is backed by STC’s more than twenty years of experience in developing immunization evaluation and forecasting solutions.
“Clinical decision support is an essential component of public health immunization systems. As interoperability between public health and clinicians continues to expand in support of preventative medicine, it is even more critical that accurate information is being shared”, said Todd Watkins, President of STC.
Vanderbilt University’s Department of Pediatrics and Department of Biomedical Informatics conducted a pilot last summer which integrated STC’s Stand Alone Forecaster into Vanderbilt’s electronic medical record.
Assistant Professor Stuart Weinberg: “The addition of the forecaster has been enthusiastically embraced by our pediatric providers, and the ability to access such robust clinical decision support as a web service has saved countless hours in development and maintenance resources.”