New issue of Foresight

The Winter 2009 issue of Foresight is out – an official publication of the International Institute of Forecasters, seeks to advance the practice of forecasting by publishing high-quality, peer-reviewed articles, written in a concise, accessible style for forecasting analysts, managers, and students.

This issue features a section on improving communication and cooperation in the forecasting process. “The Forecasting Mantra,” by ALEC FINNEY and MARTIN JOSEPH, is built on the authors’ long experience in pharmaceutical forecasting, and proposes a “holistic” strategy for creating, communicating, and monitoring product forecasts.

In “Sales Forecasting: Improving Cooperation Between the Demand People and the Supply People,” TOM WALLACE and BOB STAHL address the major organizational gripes and myths impeding good forecasting practice and offer specific recommendations to resolve them.

No aspect of forecasting is attracting more interest now than Sales and Operations Planning (S&OP), and Foresight presents two reviews of Sales and Operations Planning – Best Practices, by John Dougherty and Christopher Gray. Our reviewers are Professor JOHN MELLO, an academic, and JOE MCCONNELL, a software developer, each with a special interest in S&OP. Both agree that the book makes a valuable contribution to the field.

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