The Lancaster Centre for Forecasting is offering a range of master student projects in forecasting, marketing analytics and data mining (e.g. for credit scoring and direct marketing) for this summer.
Students start on their projects 23rd May 2011 and work on an in-house forecasting problem until 16th September 2011, with joint supervision between the company and forecasting experts from the Centre.
“All students are supervised by a member of staff and can be based in Lancaster with visits to your organisation as necessary. Alternatively, they can work on site in your organisation with visits from their Lancaster supervisor in order to ensure the successful completion of the project”, says Sven Crone, Deputy Director of the Lancaster Centre for Forecasting.
“These projects can be a particularly cost efficient way for a company to carry out work for which it cannot find the internal resources, to recruit new team members or to efficiently buy in external know-how. Our post-graduate students are technically well qualified; they all have good first degrees in a discipline with significant quantitative material.”
Students are educated in forecasting (incl. Exponential Smoothing, ARIMA, Dynamic Regression and Econometric Models etc. using standard software packages such as Forecast Pro, EVIEWS, SPSS) and data mining (incl. Logistic Regression, Decision Trees, Neural Networks etc. using standard software such as SAS 9.1 and SAS Enterprise Miner).
In addition, they have skills in other areas of Marketing Analytics, Logistics and Supply Chain Management and Operational Research, such as optimisation, simulation, stochastic modelling, logistics, as well as systems analysis and project management.