With rising costs, coupled with the impact of the recent disasters in the region, Asia/Pacific manufacturers are expected to continue their focus on efficiencies, and are putting in greater efforts to mitigate supply chain risks.
IDC Manufacturing Insights predicts that in 2012 there will be greater use of predictive analytics tools among the region’s manufacturers.
“2011 has been an interesting year, the cautious optimism that we forecast at the beginning of the year morphed into volatility as we reached the end of the year”, says Dr. Christopher Holmes of IDC Manufacturing Insights. “This looks to continue into 2012, with volatility the watchword for the world economy”
From a technology perspective, Holmes expects to see companies moving to clearly establish a link between technology and efficiency. Companies will be focused on driving out cost and becoming even more productive with the increased use of analytics and automation.
“To increase top line growth, they will also be centering their efforts on satisfying domestic demand within the region, and exploiting new business opportunities in the after sales and support market.”
More insights can be found in a forthcoming IDC Manufacturing Insights report Asia/Pacific Manufacturing 2012 Top 10 Predictions, which presents the top 10 predictions for the manufacturing sector in the coming year.