Grants for Research on Forecasting

For the ninth year the International Institute of Forecasters (IIF) and SAS have announced financial support for research on how to improve forecasting methods and business forecasting practice. The awards will be two $5,000 grants.

This grant was created in 2002 by the IIF, with financial support from the SAS Institute, in order to promote research on forecasting principles and practice. The fund provided amounts to US $10,000 per year, which is divided to support research in the two basic aspects of forecasting: development of theoretical results and new methods, and practical applications with real-world comparisons.

In 2010-2011 two research projects have received support. One grant was awarded to Bryan Routledge and Noah Smith, Carnegie Mellon University, USA, for the project proposal in the category of Methodology “Text-Driven Forecasting of Mergers: Identifying Targets and Acquirers.”

The other grant was awarded to Matthias Seifert, Lee Newman and Florian Federspiel, IE Business School, Spain, for the project proposal in the category of Applications “Time series forecasting: The contribution of task, decision support and cognitive factors in judgmental effectiveness”

Applications should be submitted to the IIF Office by September 30, 2011. For more information on this grant opportunity: