Energy and its management is a global issue which affects every economy. The current trend in awareness of climatic changes and influences and the increasing costs in generating power has resulted in a sea of change through which we view the use of energy throughout its supply chain.
Governments and private enterprises are beginning to look at restructuring the entire industry and this has very serious implications for the way that energy demand is assessed and investment decisions are made for ensuring reliable supply.
This move towards a reorganised energy market makes the fundamental assumption that energy demand is accurately assessed and so the whole role of demand forecasting moves from a standard routine exercise to one of critical importance. However, the critical role of load forecasting and managing the energy demand is always changing as markets open up and new challenges are faced to meet the demand.
If you are involved in the generation, transmission and distribution of power and energy, you need to understand the mechanics of the open market and the role that demand forecasting plays in the operations of the market.
That is why IIR is pleased to announce its newest course: Forecasting And Managing Energy Demand In Emerging Open Markets, 18 – 22 May 2008, JW Marriott Hotel, Dubai, UAE.
Led by industry experts, this course will explain to you the market changes that are happening right now and their effect on energy generation, transmission and distribution, including the way in which these changes depend on energy demand forecasting to successfully allow the market to function efficiently.
The course will further provide you with an in depth study of the various technologies and methodologies used to meet the energy demand forecasting challenges, which are increasingly vital in a deregulated market.
A value-adding part of the course is the practical lap-top based exercises. You are invited to provide real-life data to use in these exercises which will allow you to develop customised load forecasting and demand management analysis.
The action points you take away from the course will have a significant impact on how energy companies can reduce costs arising from inefficient procurement, under or over investments in generation, allocating optimal supply volumes and avoiding imbalance charges.