Conceptualizing, measuring, and testing forecast performance is at the heart of much forecasting research and applications. Celal Aksu and Wilpen Gore invite authors to submit papers on any facet of this subject for a special issue of the International Journal of Forecasting (IJF).
Some example areas include:
- Central tendency forecast error measures-Design of new measures or comparison of properties of existing measures based on mean or medians of functions of forecast errors.
- Exceptions forecast error measures and applications-Design and application of receiver operating characteristic (ROC) framework to detecting and forecasting exceptional demand such as step changes.
- Experimental designs for assessing forecast performance-Use of ABC schemes, stratified samples, simulated exceptions inserted in real data, policy simulations, etc., for state-of-art generation of evidence.
- Cost/benefit estimation of forecast performance-Estimation of costs and benefits of forecasting directly and in the larger context of product revenues.
If you are interested in contributing to this special issue, please submit a one-page abstract to either editor of the special issue for an initial assessment. A quick response will be given regarding the suitability of the paper for the special issue. The deadline for submission of full papers is 31 December 2009. All papers submitted will go through a double blind review process and will be expected to meet the usual requirements and standards of the International Journal of Forecasting. Please refer to the guidelines for preparing papers for submission. All papers are to be submitted here.
Please submit your initial abstract by email to either editor listed below:
Celal Aksu
Graduate School of Business
Özyeğin University, Turkey
Wilpen Gorr
School of Public Policy and Management
Heinz College
Carnegie Mellon University, USA