Feedback Joint Statistical Meeting Vancouver 2010

The JSM in Vancouver was an experience of a kind for me. Let me report highlights and a glitch (it should be clear that my wording emphasizes the sujectivity of my impressions).

  • This was added on 10.08.2010: In this entry I'll refer to a small and fine research group working with Dominique Ladi… ray at INSEE. I abbreviated the team by Dg (Dominique's group) because I'hadn't all identities at disposal. Now that I got them I'm very happy to disclose identities: Michel Grun-Rehomme, Fabien Guggemos and Dominique Ladiray. I'll refer to them in a series of future entries which are print-ready in my mind (but more empirical work is needed before editing all ideas).
  • I also added a new category/shortcut on the left of my Blog called `Analytic DFA' to which you could refer when interested in the most recent, utmost interesting (for me) developments of my method which are inspired by Grun-Rehomme/Guggemos/Ladiray's work. I'll post several new entries devoted to the topic in a near future which begins today 10.08.2010.

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