Dos and Don’ts of Demand Planning

As we emerge from the global recession and demand returns, many organisations are finding they are not responding very well to the supply chain. Ownership and accountability of demand planning and the role each stakeholder are unclear.

“You need to understand what is happening in the market and its impact on your business in order to better predict and plan for the short, medium and long-term demands”, says James Small, Managing Partner at Oliver Wight. James draws on his experience of working with organisations across the globe to improve internal processes, including demand planning.

Oliver Wight is leading a webcast on the ‘dos and don’ts of demand planning’ on Tuesday 22nd February 2011. The thirty minute webcast is designed to provide an introduction to senior executives and middle management on how best to sense, shape and respond to demand.

“Webcast attendees will learn how to assign ownership and accountability of demand planning and the role each stakeholder – from different areas of the business, including marketing, sales, supply chain and operations – should play.”

Delegates will also discover how to appropriately use statistical forecasting and, more importantly, how to avoid the pitfalls of demand planning. Representatives from Bajaj Electricals and Australian Vintage Wines will also provide an insight in to how they conduct their demand planning.