Demand Planning Net 3.0 is now live

Demand Planning LLC has launched a completely re-designed website at The new site boasts a brand new layout with simplified navigation and a number of new features and enhancements.

Simplified Navigation
The site features simplified navigation with information divided into four major areas directly reachable from the home page: 
    a) Consulting 
    b) Training
    c) Industry specific practices
    d) Knowledge base 

Content Rich pages
The website now features a section for Industry specific demand models.  In the coming weeks, this will be enhanced by insights into business models that create demand volatility and how the demand information is tracked and used by demand planners.  We also have created a knowledge base that includes info on supply chain KPIs, inventory optimization, and S&OP.

Featured Content
Site now displays featured services and key training workshops through visuals on the main page.  This is also complemented with more visuals leading to informative content throughout the website. 

We are launching our e-Learning application that will feature online education at your own pace – we will be adding courses on Demand Forecasting, S&OP, Retail Forecasting, Supply chain collaboration, Inventory Optimization etc.  This section will be made available only to corporate professional members and available by invitation only.  Please visit the site to request a complementary initial membership. 

Forecasting Blog and Facebook discussion Group
We have launched an all new Forecasting Blog to accompany the new website.  This contains educational material in blog form written by Mark Chockalingam, Ph.D.  Recent articles include discussions on weighted MAPE, exception management in SAP APO, challenges in APO DP implementation, usability criteria for successful software implementation etc.  Join our Facebook Group at  Demand Planning.Net also has a popular Linked-In group at  

Visit DemandPlanning.Net to obtain practical advice, calculation templates, and informational articles in the supply chain space: