Boosting Hotel Forecasting Ability

Hotel operators will gain access to a new data set that will boost their forecasting ability and help deliver enhanced profitability by maximising occupancy rates.


Intouch Data Pty Ltd (ITD)'s centres in Australia have developed a number of innovative software solutions including HotelSnapShot, which provides extensive internal operational data analysis coupled with a series of external financial data sets including premium Stock Exchange indices and major exchange rate pairs.

A new agreement between ITD and OAG will add a new dimension to the tool by incorporating international flight seating capacity fluctuations. With OAG data, users will have access to real-time trends and historical perspectives, and provide hotel managements with the ability to project inbound seat capacity up to 90 days in advance.

ITD Managing Director, Peter Johnson, says the data-sharing agreement with OAG offers hotel operators a breakthrough means of assessing potential inbound customer levels with the capacity to maximise occupancy rates.

“This is a powerful boost to the forecasting ability of operators and will enable a commensurate growth in profitability,” Mr. Johnson said. “OAG recognises that it provides a model for future expansion of data sets that can be incorporated into HotelSnapShot.”