Andrews Distributing to Improve Forecast Accuracy

Andrews Distributing will utilize Foresight Technologies planning and forecasting software to improve forecast accuracy and better serve their clients. Andrews Distributing serves communities across north and south Texas and is one of the largest distributors of beer in the state.

"Our team is excited about the relationship and eager to help Andrews Distributing manage their demand planning," said Gene Tanski, CEO and president of Foresight Technologies, "In our increasingly unpredictable economy, guaranteed and accurate forecasting is crucial to every industry and a necessary business capability for beverage distribution so heavily influenced by consumer demand."

Andrews Distributing will employ Foresight Technologies software to improve inventory management and service as the level of sophistication among their suppliers and customers continues to rise. A leader in the distributing industry, Andrews Distributing was named Beverage World's Wholesaler of the Year in 2007.

"We considered numerous providers of demand forecasting software and found Foresight Technologies to be the best fit for our business because of their industry experience, their functionality and their desire to partner with us for success," explained John Ross, director of technology for Andrews Distributing, "We found Foresight's guarantee, that its services will meet our expectations and allows us to plan for demand at extremely detailed levels, very appealing."

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